Sunday, December 19, 2010

Take Time to Save Time!

How many of us use all the features of the computer software we have? How about our smart phones?

Most of us learn the basics—enough to be modestly functional—and let it go at that! Or, if we don’t know how to do something, we figure out a work-around rather than just taking the time to learn to do it properly.

Our electronic gadgets offer so many features that would save us time, trouble, and inconvenience, if only we invested a small amount of time in reading the instruction booklet, using the online help function, or simply investigating the icons. Office supply stores and computer centers have quick reference guides and step-by-step handbooks complete with screen-shots for popular software programs. A quick search on Google will do the same.

If you’ve got the basics but know there’s more to learn, consider a class. It’s possible to find reasonably priced group instruction that will open your eyes to how much more you can do with very little effort. Your wireless carrier may offer free classes for smart phones. You can also find one-on-one tutors, if you prefer to go at your own pace.

Take a little time, one time, to save yourself time forever after!

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